Frismo Social Selling | Marketing Digital B2B


Marketing digital, principales herramientas para iniciar

La mayoría de los consumidores actuales consultan el internet antes de realizar una comprar, lo que representa un problema considerando que muchas Pymes no cuentan con página web y desconocen qué es el e-commerce. No obstante, muchas empresas medianas o chicas no superan sus primeros años porque no se adaptan a las nuevas tendencias del […]

Marketing digital, principales herramientas para iniciar Leer más »

¿Cómo crear una estrategia perfecta de Social Selling?

Los clientes de hoy en día se encuentran en Internet, muchas empresas han adaptado su forma de operar, de gestionar equipos, de relacionarse con los clientes y por supuesto, de vender. De presentar los productos, de llegar a nuevos clientes y mantener la fidelidad de los que ya tienen.  Las ventas presenciales pasaron a un

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Ventajas de implementar un CRM

En el marketing actual el consumidor debe ser el núcleo central de toda la estrategia comercial. Y es ahí donde entra un CRM, Customer Relationship Management por sus siglas en inglés o Gestión de las relaciones con clientes. CMR es un software que centraliza y resalta la información de los clientes para mejorar la relación

Ventajas de implementar un CRM Leer más »

Genera nuevas oportunidades de negocio en LinkedIn

LinkedIn se ha convertido en la red social profesional predilecta para encontrar nuevas oportunidades en el ámbito laboral, si últimamente te has estado preguntando: ¿Debo usar mi perfil de LinkedIn o se lo tengo que pasar a un representante de ventas o creamos un perfil ficticio para buscar nuevas oportunidades de negocio?, sigue leyendo. Si

Genera nuevas oportunidades de negocio en LinkedIn Leer más »

A Better Alternative To Grading Student Writing

Great writing starts at the beginning, whether with an idea or need or purpose of social context or spark of inspiration. Whatever it is that ’causes’ the writing to begin–what’s wrought there at the beginning is kind of like a lump of clay. Without that clay, not much could happen and the quality of that clay matters; its texture and purity and consistency and overall makeup has a lot to say about what it’s able to produce. In large part, what you’re able to create with that clay depends on the quality and quantity of that clay.

A Better Alternative To Grading Student Writing Leer más »

It’s Time To Think Differently About Writing In The Classroom

Limiting the craft of writing to a single content area has altered the landscape of students’ minds in ways that are only now being revealed as math teachers are told to teach writing. Students are now used to flinging rudimentary understandings on exit slips in broken sentence fragments, taking notes that neatly curate other people’s ideas, and otherwise ducking the responsibility to craft compelling arguments that synthesize multiple perspectives on a daily basis.

It’s Time To Think Differently About Writing In The Classroom Leer más »

Back To School Social-Emotional Basics: Relationship, Rhythm, Release

As our elementary students head back to school in person, in this very new way, there will be many emotions stirred up in them. Alarm. Frustration. Worry. Excitement. And this will be mirrored by what we, as adults, may also be experiencing. For our teachers, on top of what they will be emotionally experiencing themselves, they are being called to be the caring leaders that guide our students to a place where they can learn together.

Back To School Social-Emotional Basics: Relationship, Rhythm, Release Leer más »

The Long-Term Effects Of Remote Learning May Not Be All Bad

Because of COVID-19, school cafeterias, gyms, and playgrounds across the country sit silent. Ungraded papers and textbooks collect dust, and halls that once rang with student laughter are empty. And in the hope that the pandemic does not squash the ability to learn and grow all together, educators are implementing an entirely new style of

The Long-Term Effects Of Remote Learning May Not Be All Bad Leer más »

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